Friday, November 25, 2011

Example of Foreword

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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Thank God I pray to Allah SWT who has given grace, so I can complete the task the subjects of ...................... to discuss about ................... in the form of ...............

These .............. contain some information about the ........... or more specifically discusses the .................

My goal this ........, That we can study the ..................... more detail.

In the preparation of this work or material, not a few obstacles that I faced. But I realize that fluency in the preparation of this material is nothing but thanks to the help, encouragement, and guidance of parents, so that the obstacles I face can be resolved.

Therefore, I would like to thank:

  1. Mr.  teachers studies .........................................., which has given the task, instructions, told me that I am motivated and accomplish this task.
  2. Parents who have helped, guided, giving money, and overcome difficulties so thatthis task is completed.

Hopefully this matter can be beneficial and contribute ideas for the needy, especially for me so I expected goals can be achieved, Amiin.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

                                                                                                                         Places, dd-mm-yyyy


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